As a winner in the Beauty/Fashion category of Hasselblad Masters Competition, I was invited along with the other masters to shoot an exclusive set of photographs for the new Hasselblad Masters book – Vol. 6: Innovate. I'm honoured to have my work included in this book!
Below are the images from the series.
Below are the images from the series.
// We are slowly entering an era of virtual and augmented reality, an unprecedented innovation in human history where you can transform the self and experience anything the creator can fathom. My project is about experimenting with VR using hair and fashion photos and while hair fashion plays a big part in this project at the same time I would like to ignite viewers' imagination and ask the question what would this new world build from polygons and pixels could offer. Virtual reality can widen our horizons it can also limit them, constrain our freedom or even leave us being controlled to far greater extent it was ever possible before //
The book was launched at a special ceremony at Photokina 2018, in Cologne, Germany and can be bought here:

A few behind the scenes photos from the project

Hasselblad 2018 Master Award Ceremony and book release at Photokina 2018

Photo and editing: Michal Baran
Interviews related to this project:
Flaunt Magazine US